Ozone - Ministry of Crab
源自海鮮聞名的斯里蘭卡,Ministry of Crab將於2024年5月3日至19日首次登陸香港,於香港麗思卡爾頓酒店118樓,全港最高室外頂層酒吧 Ozone舉行期間限定店,為賓客帶來鮮味滿溢的斯里蘭卡泥蟹和大頭蝦菜式,帶給眾饗客非凡的味覺盛宴。

日期: 2024年5月3日至5月19日
時間: 晚上6時至8時
地點: 香港麗思卡爾頓酒店118樓Ozone
價格: 每位港幣$1,588元(另加10%服務費)

Crab Liver Paté
Our creamy crab liver pâté is an umami flavour bomb served with Melba Toast.
Add a drop of Kithul Treacle (palm sugar syrup) to round out the dish with an incredible smoky sweetness.

Avocado Crab Salad
Steamed and chilled white crab meat gently mixed into wasabi mayonnaise and served in half an avocado.

Garlic Chili Prawn
Sri Lanka’s amazingly large lake prawn cooked in Italian olive oil, Japanese soy sauce, garlic and chilli flakes in a style that is unique to Ministry of Crab.
Enjoy the flavoured olive oil with bread.

Pepper Crab
Enjoy the combination of two ingredients native to Sri Lanka as the freshness of the crab is fused with the heat of hand crushed peppercorn, whole peppercorn, and pepper dashi.

Coconut Crème Brûlée
A tropical twist on the classic French dessert made with rich coconut milk and baked in a coconut.

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Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
HK $1,588.00
International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Road West, Hong Kong, China
Phone Number
+852 2263 2263